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Supporting One Another in Times of Crisis

How caregivers and school professionals can create a safe environment for children during times of stress and disruption

In a crisis, networks of support are vital for children and adults. Communities of caregivers and school professionals not only provide one another with information and insight but can also help prevent feelings of isolation and anxiety for both children and adults. We asked Richard Weissbourd, a senior lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, to share his thoughts about how schools and caregivers can come together to support children and each other. Below the video, takeaways and tips.

Caregivers can support their children by supporting themselves

Children know when their caregiver is worried about something. It’s important to take care of your own fears and anxieties in addition to your child’s. Find ways to protect your own mental well-being.

  • Continue to incorporate activities like running or meditation in your daily routine
  • Maintain your social connections to avoid the anxiety that often accompanies isolation
  • Focus on ways you may be able to help others in your community to redirect your attention.
  • Find trustworthy news sources and stay informed without overwhelming yourself with a flood of information.

Caregivers who may need additional assistance figuring out how to keep their children engaged and connected to their peers, and schools can help in that. Additionally, schools offer caregivers a network of support and connection. Find ways to allow these connections to grow and develop, even if physical spaces are closed.

Usable Knowledge

Connecting education research to practice — with timely insights for educators, families, and communities

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